Location - Data & AI Warsaw Tech Summit

Warsaw Presidential Hotel

is a 5-star hotel in the very center of the Polish capital.

The Warsaw Presidential Hotel is located in the very center of Warsaw, in the immediate vicinity of the Central Railway Station and suburban railways. From the Central Railway Station to the hotel it will take 5 minutes on foot.

The nearest metro station: METRO CENTRUM. JAK DOJADĘ app will help you find convenient public transport.

At the Warsaw Presidential Hotel, speeches and discussions with Speakers will take place as part of the stationary part of the BDTWS 2025 conference.


Parking at the hotel:
(from Nowogrodzka Street): PLN 20/each commenced hour; PLN 400/day (24h)
underground (entrance from ul. E. Plater): PLN 30/h; PLN 500/day (24h)
special price for conference Guests (underground parking): PLN 140/day (24h)*
Charge for a lost ticket: PLN 400

On the slogan DATA and AI Warsaw Tech Summit on 8-10.04.2025 for conference Guests, the owner of LIM parking lot offers special discounted rates of PLN 140 gross per 1 space for 1 day or PLN 30 gross per hour of parking for 1 space on level - 1 or 0 (depending on availability). Guests will regulate their own parking.

You can also click on the LINK to check other parking options.

For details, please call the number: +48 22 630 62 50

* Conference Guests, before leaving the parking, should go to the hotel reception and ask for a discount stamp, referring to their participation in the conference.


To stay at the Warsaw Presidential Hotel, please call the hotel reception or send an e-mail and enter the password "DATA and AI Warsaw Tech Summit".

The password entitles you to receive a room on 8-10th of April, 2025 at a special discounted price: PLN 590 net/day + 8% VAT for a single room, PLN 660 net/day + 8% VAT for a double room. (Cost on the Participant's side.) The hotel day lasts from 4 pm to 12 pm the next day.

The above special rates include buffet breakfast served at Floor No. 2 restaurant.

Bookings should be made no later than 10.03.2025, after which date bookings will be subject to room and rate availability.

To make a reservation, please call or email the Individual Reservations Department:

phone: +48 22 630 63 06
email: rezerwacja@presidential.pl

or make a reservation through the special reslink

Warsaw - capital of Poland, center of Europe

Warsaw, the capital city of Poland is located in the very center of Europe. Thanks to that it takes only 6-8 h drive from nearest capital cities to get there or less then 2 hours by plane. It takes only 3 hours by plane to get here from almost all of the locations in Europe. We are looking forward to see participants from different countries!

Conference map

Find out the conference room breakdown for 9.04 at the Warsaw Presidential Hotel!